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[Guide] Boot from EFI partition, zero modification installs on Intel SSE2 or better...


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so what is the best / quickest way to change the version numbers?


can it be done easily in place on the EFI partition, or does it need to be done before placing them there..


where is the version number to change? is it the one in info/plist inside the kext?

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added EFI strings (7600gs, eth, HDEF)


?? What's HDEF do?

EDIT: Nevermind, found with a search


so what is the best / quickest way to change the version numbers?


can it be done easily in place on the EFI partition, or does it need to be done before placing them there..


where is the version number to change? is it the one in info/plist inside the kext?


I'll take a stab at this. You can edit the files on the EFI partition, just be sure to run ./update.sh and unmount/delete after saving the edit and 'touch'ing the kext.


Thanks for asking the question, this was confounding me. (And thanks to wolfienuke for answering!)

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I'm following up your guide with a 10.5.4 RETAIL DVD, using boot-132 with JMicron patched boot file on a ASUS P5W DH DELUXE motherboard. My 8600GTS is running with all resolutions but no QE.


Until "Phase #5: test boot!" everything seems ok, but when I try to boot, my screen stops on "boot1: startupfile" and NOTHING HAPPENS! Take a look at my attached picture...


Thanks in advance



HELP PLEASE, I'm really stuck there.

See attached pic...

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i don't know how to edit the kext version number at all..... searching


to be clear I can see various version numbers in the info.plist of each kext, but editing them doesnt result in getinfo display updating, even though i have edited the getinfo string specifically, so does the kext have to be reset in someway or something?


sorry this is obviously such a noob question, changing a version number should be easy -but i can't find a basics guide to this.... still looking


EDIT: - as wolfienuke says above you edit the version number (CFBundleVersion) in the info.plist inside the kext, and it does work - I was just confused by the getinfo string not updating! (ie I'm not being quite as stupid as this looked)

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bing, thanks, but I found that rather gnomic....


have I got this right:


* you are saying change CFBundleVersion number in the info.plist within the kext? - OK i'd figured that was probably it


* kextstat -can you clarify what those lines mean? it seems kextstat is for telling you whats actually loaded... I'm more concerned with checking I did the edit right before I load it! - and i'm confused that getinfo does not update the visible version number when i update the getinfo string in the plist, i realise that this is not set by CFBundleVersion anyway, but it had me concerned about whether anything i did was working, but when i reopen the kext and look my changes are still there...

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* kextstat -can you clarify what those lines mean? it seems kextstat is for telling you whats actually loaded... I'm more concerned with checking I did the edit right before I load it!


I'm a newb too, so take anything I write with a grain... Yes, kextstat is telling you what's loaded currently. You could try and load your edited kext w/ kextload, but I wouldn't. I'd just reboot. And if it dies just reboot again '-s' and revert to your backup kext (!!) so you can get back in and try again.

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I was wondering, is it somehow possible to install Windows XP on a GUID partitioned drive also? I only have 1 HD in my machine and would love to dual boot...


If not, I wonder if it's still possible to use this bootloader with an MBR partition table drive?


All you need to do is:

./fdisk -e /dev/rdiskX < fdisk_makeactive.commands

Then write the commands exactly the way you need them typed in the fdisk_makeactive.commands file (make sure it's PlainText and not RichText). This sends the contents of the text file as input to fdisk - Easy huh?... I've attached the script and commands file for examples.

Oh that's perfect! Thanks. :P Your script is pretty similar to mine, except yours is a lot neater :o


I'm going to re-format my hackingtosh later on, hopefully I should be able to finish this script.

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ok, mine booted again into 10.5.1 but failed on the 10.5.5 once it was updated


EDIT I was wrong. wrongness deleted.


booting back into my 10.5.0 backup I now get this:


Quadcore:~ arnoldlayne$ kextstat -b com.apple.dsmos

Index Refs Address Size Wired Name (Version) <Linked Against>

21 0 0x55483000 0x2000 0x1000 com.apple.dsmos (9.9.9)



so its working.


but why does 10.5.5 fail?

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Been playing with "kextstat"


I've found all my extensions on my EFI partition I have "LegacyIOAHCIBlockStorage.kext" which is v 1.1.1


I've actually found OSX is using it's own version which is version v1.2.0... Everything is working ok. Does this mean I can get rid of LegacyIOAHCIBlockStorage.kext on my EFI partition?


EDIT: Just deleted from my EFI partition, works fine. :)

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when i boot my kalyway 10.5.5 system on another disk from the bootloader on the EFI partition, the kexts on the EFI partition do NOT load, but when i boot into the new vanilla install on the same drive as the EFI partition they DO load.


Is this what is expected? Why?


I don't know if they load booting into the 10.5.5 updated vanilla install, because it doesn't boot so I can't run kextstat to see


heres the screen when it freezes starting 10.5.5 vanilla




I only have 5 kexts in EFI/Extensions some of them are not even in my working kalyway install... so i suspect i need to change these, but they are what I had on boot 132 and therefore thought would work as a start.


heres the contents of my EFI partition.


bash-3.2# cd /Volumes/EFI

bash-3.2# ls

.fseventsd System update.log

Extensions boot update.sh

bash-3.2# cd /Volumes/EFI/Ex*

bash-3.2# ls

ACPIPS2Nub.kext IntelCPUPMDisabler.kext dsmos.kext

ApplePS2Controller.kext SMBIOSEnabler.kext


so, those kexts load and will boot 10.5.1 but once I run the updater to 10.5.5 it fails with above screen


all kexts have been edited to show version 9.9.9


could other disks in the system be causing a problem? how? I have another disk with windows on and a 3rd with my working kalyway install, but the disk i have the vanilla install and EFI on has just been repartitioned for the purpose.


yes - I *should* have waited for the new chameleon , but I've learned a lot this way. I am stuck right now though.

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when i boot my kalyway 10.5.5 system on another disk from the bootloader on the EFI partition, the kexts on the EFI partition do NOT load, but when i boot into the new vanilla install on the same drive as the EFI partition they DO load.


Is this what is expected? Why?


I think that is normal and to be expected.


On a related note, with my first tries with OS X on the DFI board (see link above) I was juggling disks. I would get to a point, then clone the disk and work from that one for awhile, etc. I didn't find a tool that would clone sector-by-sector to preserve the entire disk structure, including the EFI partition. I tried SuperDuper! and CarbonCopyCloner. In each case I had to manually rebuild the EFI partition. I will be revisiting this issue soon (trying Easeus next,) and will followup here.

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has anyone else found that 10.5.5 update resulted in no longer being able to boot from EFI partition? if so how did you resolve?


@bing yes I'm backing up any progress I make with superduper onto another partition on the same disk. I have 10.5.1 working so far, 10.5.5 combo updater breaks it.


I may try updating one point point at a time... but there clearly something else wrong - i guess I need something else in my EFI extensions to run 10.5.5

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has anyone else found that 10.5.5 update resulted in no longer being able to boot from EFI partition? if so how did you resolve?


I'm running 10.5.5 (from 10.5.0 using Combo Update.) Something else is wrong I think.


Even booting with '-s' fails?

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booting with -x worked i think... didnt try -s


i will try again at some point


bing what kexts are in yr EFI partition? and what hardware?


Check my post on msiwind.net (linked above.) Once I got a stable system I stopped working on it but following the 10.5.6 discussion yesterday I gather that I'm running some outdated kexts, and I can probably pare down to use fewer in EFI anyway. Also, I need to use kextstat myself and see what's actually being used from EFI in the first place.


I have abandoned my DFI LP JR install. I had hardware problems with the USB ports and returned it to NewEgg. I've ordered an ASUS P5E-VM HDMI for replacement as that board also overclocks well, it's cheaper, and most importantly to me there is more support for it here.


To get a base system going seems to me that weaksauce's tutorial is a good place to start. (See stickied thread at the top of this forum.) EDIT: It's not stickied (though it should be!) Here: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=112708


Looks to me like 10.5.5 broke your ethernet. Try a google search like:


"Asus P5W DH site:http://forum.insanelymac.com/"


Then look for clues about what network kexts work best.

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booting with -s took me to a command line that i didn't really know what to do with, i haven't used it before, but i guess thats what it should do?


-x works, I'm using it now to write this on 10.5.5


if 10.5.5 broke my ethernet then it didn't booted with -x cos its working to get online to write this...


must be close...


it is loading my 9.9.9 version modded kexts, well some of them, presumably only some because i booted using -x?


Quadcore:~ arnoldlayne$ kextstat -b com.apple.dsmos

Index Refs Address Size Wired Name (Version) <Linked Against>

21 0 0x54089000 0x2000 0x1000 com.apple.dsmos (9.9.9)

Quadcore:~ arnoldlayne$ kextstat -b org.tgwbd.driver.ACPIPS2Nub

Index Refs Address Size Wired Name (Version) <Linked Against>

Quadcore:~ arnoldlayne$ kextstat -b com.apple.driver.ApplePS2Controller

Index Refs Address Size Wired Name (Version) <Linked Against>

Quadcore:~ arnoldlayne$ kextstat -b net.osrom.kext.IntelCPUPMDisabler

Index Refs Address Size Wired Name (Version) <Linked Against>

20 0 0x54069000 0x2000 0x1000 net.osrom.kext.IntelCPUPMDisabler (9.9.9)

Quadcore:~ arnoldlayne$ kextstat -b net.osrom.kext.SMBIOSEnabler

Index Refs Address Size Wired Name (Version) <Linked Against>

22 0 0x540aa000 0x3000 0x2000 net.osrom.kext.SMBIOSEnabler (9.9.9)

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I'm not sure what '-x' does specifically, though it's termed 'safe mode' and I wouldn't think network would load in that mode. Again, I don't know, sorry.


'-s' is single-user. Command-line only to get out of trouble when no other boot mode will work.


Yep, you must be close. Good luck.

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I am trying to dual boot leopard using this installation method and vista. I read on this page link that I need to install Chameleon. However on the first post of this thread it says that we can't install chameleon or pc_efi otherwise it might mess things up. So should I install chameleon or not to dual boot with vista? I am not sure what Chameleon is and what it does, could someone please explain to me? I went to their website and still couldn't figure it out, is it another kind of bootloader like the dfe one we are using here? Can they co-exist?




p.s. I am using only 1 hard disk with GPT

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@joe611, well i'm a newb and might be wrong, but my understanding is that the bootloader in this method is based on chameleon and replaces it, it will allow you to select an different os on a different disk to boot, so its all you need. I have no experience of vista tho, but i can boot various different installs from the bootloader in munkys original post.

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@joe611, well i'm a newb and might be wrong, but my understanding is that the bootloader in this method is based on chameleon and replaces it, it will allow you to select an different os on a different disk to boot, so its all you need. I have no experience of vista tho, but i can boot various different installs from the bootloader in munkys original post.


What about dual booting to another partition on the same disk?

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