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[Guide] Boot from EFI partition, zero modification installs on Intel SSE2 or better...


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Good evening,

I tried your EFIboot Munky, all works fine, except that my Vista doesn't show up in the Darwinprompt...

Disk 0

s1 EFI

s2 Vista

s3 OSX

s4 NTFScrap for music and stuff


It only gives me the option to boot hd(0,3)... With the normal Chameleonbootloader i get hd(0,2) shown as foreign OS, but not here.


Any solution for this except waiting for the chameleonrelease?




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Good evening,

I tried your EFIboot Munky, all works fine, except that my Vista doesn't show up in the Darwinprompt...

Disk 0

s1 EFI

s2 Vista

s3 OSX

s4 NTFScrap for music and stuff


It only gives me the option to boot hd(0,3)... With the normal Chameleonbootloader i get hd(0,2) shown as foreign OS, but not here.


Any solution for this except waiting for the chameleonrelease?





I have the same problem.


My solution was to install this bootloader into a usb pen drive and set Windows partition as the active one.


Now, if I have the usb pen drive during the boot process, it will go into the bootloader. If I have nothing, it will go directly to Windows.

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Try this one;



Make sure you open the kext and modify the Info.Plist for your ram speed (change DDR to DDR2 if that's what you have), double check that "root" is in there and drop it in, update.sh and reboot. Works for me, should for you also.


For your "About this Mac", use this eddiec app;

i don't really need another injector, as i have no problem with getting the information in system profiler to report what i want. it's just getting "about this mac" to work properly and stop it from crashing finder. as for your attachment, i don't understand what it's ment to do?
afaik SMBIOS patching is only 'required' insofar as it fixes certain bugs... i dont think removing the patcher will prevent system boot.
ahh, gotcha. makes sense, as it seems to be pulling everything from the bios ok apart for my ram and cpu speeds.
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I've just got this 100% working properly, I'll post my stumbles so you guys don't make the same mistakes...


I think I've found a better way, you can actually install it from terminal after you've booted from the retail DVD - I find this works better as you've got nothing else like spotlight trying to muck around with your EFI partition...


So, my method, (if anyone actually cares)


1) Boot retail DVD with boot132.

2) Install OSX on a freshly partitioned drive

3) Don't reboot after install, fire up terminal instead...

4) I made some shellscripts to do all this for me, and I have the scripts and the munky boot files all on a USB stick. I run the shellscript to disable spotlight and to install the bootloader, extensions, DSDT, boot.plist, etc. - Takes less than a minute to run

5) Now, reboot, but don't boot from HD (kernel panic)... Instead, boot from the boot132 again, but use it to boot from your OSX partition... You'll get the welcome vid, tell it where you are from, etc.

6) Install the 10.5.5 combo update...

7) Reboot from your HD - It will boot into a fully functioning OSX computer!


Almost forgot to say, great work munky - can't beat vanilla kernel. :unsure:

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Hi do you mind posting your shellscripts (at rapidshare or any other file hosting service)? im a total noob at terminal commands (:







5) Now, reboot, but don't boot from HD (kernel panic)... Instead, boot from the boot132 again, but use it to boot from your OSX partition... You'll get the welcome vid, tell it where you are from, etc.

6) Install the 10.5.5 combo update...



Why must one use the boot132 usb/cd again before installing 10.5.5?


I've just got this 100% working properly, I'll post my stumbles so you guys don't make the same mistakes...


I think I've found a better way, you can actually install it from terminal after you've booted from the retail DVD - I find this works better as you've got nothing else like spotlight trying to muck around with your EFI partition...


So, my method, (if anyone actually cares)


1) Boot retail DVD with boot132.

2) Install OSX on a freshly partitioned drive

3) Don't reboot after install, fire up terminal instead...

4) I made some shellscripts to do all this for me, and I have the scripts and the munky boot files all on a USB stick. I run the shellscript to disable spotlight and to install the bootloader, extensions, DSDT, boot.plist, etc. - Takes less than a minute to run

5) Now, reboot, but don't boot from HD (kernel panic)... Instead, boot from the boot132 again, but use it to boot from your OSX partition... You'll get the welcome vid, tell it where you are from, etc.

6) Install the 10.5.5 combo update...

7) Reboot from your HD - It will boot into a fully functioning OSX computer!


Almost forgot to say, great work munky - can't beat vanilla kernel. :)

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Guys, just updated to 10.5.6 thru software update, worked like a charm. ;)


Hi do you mind posting your shellscripts (at rapidshare or any other file hosting service)? im a total noob at terminal commands (:





5) Now, reboot, but don't boot from HD (kernel panic)... Instead, boot from the boot132 again, but use it to boot from your OSX partition... You'll get the welcome vid, tell it where you are from, etc.

6) Install the 10.5.5 combo update...

Why must one use the boot132 usb/cd again before installing 10.5.5?

I found I could not boot my machine with the munky bootloader unless I had updated to 10.5.5... 10.5 causes a kernel panic (for me at least).


As for the shellscript, I reformatted again today, and it still have a few bugs when selecting partitions, but once I've got that sorted, I'll post it up. :D

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Updated to 10.5.6 successfully. Had to reinstall Audio kext to get sound back.


However, the System Profile could not pull up the Hardware info:


"There was an error while gathering this information."


Just saw another problem. The CPU Processor shows incorrect speed.


Anyone have the same issue?

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I updated with 10.5.6 from software update, rebooted and all OK :)

Thanks a lot munky for porting DSDT with this bootloader it's great bootloader ;)


you need to delete AppleSMBIOS.kext form S/L/E because it is a new version and overwrites the one off of the EFI partition. if you delete the one on your main partition, it will make the one on the EFI partition load.


You could do other good thing pimp the version on AppleSMBIOS.kext in EFI partition from 1.0.13 or 1.0.14 to 1.1.13 that will make the kext load from EFI partition ;)

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I have used this method to install OS X on my Dell Mini and it works perfectly.

But I need to be able to dual boot between Leopard and Win XP. The Mini only supports 1 disk (I have upgraded it to 64G so it has room for 2) and I split it into 3 partitions when I installed Leopard.


The disk is setup with GUID



1 was HFS for OS X

2 was FAT for sharing documents

3 was FAT for installing XP.


I tried installing XP but once it had run through copying files from the CD nothing would boot up again. Is there a recommended way I can use to set this up? I have seen guides for multi-booting but ther all seem to be for much older versions of OS X.




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OK, I have been messing with the EFI Partition boot for a couple of days with some small issues and found out that even though I had IOAHCIFamily.kext on my EFI Partition, It was still being loaded from /System/Library/Extensions/... Once I deleted the original kext, the one on the EFI Partition became active.


Is there a reason for this. I was under the assumption that the kexts on the EFI Partition were loaded in leu of the ones in System/Library/Extensions/...


Is there any way I can ensure that the one on the EFI Partition gets loaded?

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To make sure the ones on the efi partition load, you need to increase the version number. i do not know how to do this though. any help would be appreciated.

Thanks... That worked! I modified the info.plist and version.plist to be higher than the one in /System/Library/Extensions/... I then touched them and it loaded fine.


This seems like a problem to me since sometimes the kexts that you need to function are a lower version than the current apple kext. I would not qualify that as "Update Safe", unless you change all your kext versions to 99 or something.

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heyyy Munky, whats the timeline to the chameleon release, do you know?






the next version of chameleon (coming soon!) will have SMBIOS enabling support built right in, along with DSDT patching and of course EFI partition booting.
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I updated with 10.5.6 from software update, rebooted and all OK :D

Thanks a lot munky for porting DSDT with this bootloader it's great bootloader :)

You could do other good thing pimp the version on AppleSMBIOS.kext in EFI partition from 1.0.13 or 1.0.14 to 1.1.13 that will make the kext load from EFI partition :)


Thanks your suggestion worked. :D Changed the versions from 1.0.14 to 1.1.14 in Info.plist and Version.plist. Only if this was applicable to sound (P35-DS3L, ALC888).

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hi munki,


i installed with your method, everything is just fine, also updated to 10.5.6 without any probs.

thanx for this.

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You could try stickpin's AppleHDA kexts that works with boot-132/EFI partition and no need to modify audio kexts in /S/L/E.


Thanks for the suggestion. That's what I was using prior to 10.5.6. After the update sound stopped working. Not sure if the AppleHDA/Controller.kexts have been upgraded from 10.5.5. I temporarily patched the AppleHDA /S/L/E using Taruga patcher. Hope to find a solution soon so I can return my Vanilla install back to vanilla state.

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after reformatting the EFI partition, shouldnt it show up as apple HFS?


mine looks like this:




0: GUID_partition_scheme *465.8 Gi disk1

1: EFI 200.0 Mi disk1s1

2: Apple_HFS systemalt 80.0 Gi disk1s2

3: Apple_HFS files 385.3 Gi disk1s3


still says EFI under type...


is that right?

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I tried following Munkys Guide on an USB-Stick, but everytime i try to use update.sh i get: "chmod: /Volumes/EFI/System/Booter/Extensions.mkext: no such file or directory" (same with chown after this)... I copied my extensions beforehand, i saw them there... and after i ran the script he won't let me access /Volumes/EFI/Extensions anymore and it seems like he can't access it himself since this kextcache doesn't work and creates no .mkext... (he cant move the previus .mkext too but thats no problem since there's none^^)


Any ideas why this might happen?


When i try to manually create the mkext, it says: "Kernel extension /Volumes/EFI/Extension/*all my kexts* is not authentic (check ownership and permissions); skipping it an any plugins" although i manually typed chmod -R 644 /Volumes/EFI/Extensions and chown -R root:wheel /Volumes/EFI/Extensions ...



EDIT: ok, tried another USBstick lying aroung, formating it GUID and it created an EFI-Partition. Used the tutorial to install there but now on bootup it asks which partition to boot, i press esc, enter the 81 für my HD and select OSX... but now i'm getting the HPET Package Error, due to Apples CPUPowermanagement.kext... but it's disabled in the disabler.kext which is positioned in the EFIpartition... So apparently my .kexts won't load...

I tried adding an com.apple.boot.plist with an Boot-uuid= flag but now it says "No System parition"...


Any Ideas?

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