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please help me !

Time Machine doesn´t work (Retail-DVD installation)


i format the SATA HDD (even tested with IDE HDD and USB HDD) in "mac os x extendet (journaled)" and choose it as time machine backup volumen

but when backup should start, i get the error: Backup volumen can not be found"


i think it´s a bug in time machine, because i have test with serveral HDD´s (SATA, USB, IDE), with kalyways 10.5.2 and 10.5.4.


my system:

intel q6600

asus p5k-e wifi ap

kalyways 10.5.4 (10.5.2+updates)

pny 8800 gts 512 (g92)

4 gb ddr 3 ram (800mhz)


ps: have already tested the "time machine fix", it just destroy my system and i had to reinstall again.

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thank you for your answer.

i use search function, without success

will try the fix later


The search here is useless use Google with site:insanelymac.com at the end of your search terms then most times you will find what you want.

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