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I originally did the Beta upgrade, so my systems said they was up to date! But there were many additions to the newer Update, so I re-did it.

I only had to add my Wireless card's Id to the BCM4311 kext on my HP to get that working again!


All in all the upgrade went smooth on both machines



I see most people missed this part!?


"Download the update installer and run it manually. This is a useful option when you need to update multiple computers but only want to download the update once. These versions of the standalone installers are available from Apple Support Downloads. The Mac OS X 10.5.4 Update is recommended for all versions of Mac OS X 10.5 through 10.5.3.


  • The delta update lets you update from Mac OS X 10.5.3 to 10.5.4
  • The combo update lets you update from Mac OS X 10.5, 10.5.1, 10.5.2, or 10.5.3 to 10.5.4"

Just thought it might answer more questions?



Works on a retail install method, straight from the software update on a GA-P35-D3SL.


Sleep broke, but I am blaming Vmware Fusion 1.1.3 on that. Same thing happened on 10.5.3. I had to deinstall and reinstall Vmware 1.1.3, and sleep is working again. I guess it has to do with the virtual net drivers.

Updated flawlessly using Zephyroth's Software Updater Beta 0.5 - As expected, it works like a charm.


Motherboard: DFI UT nForce4 Ultra-D

CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+

RAM: 1 GB Kingston HyperX DDR

GFX: NVidia Colorful GeForce 7600 GT

HDDs: Maxtor IDE 40 GB, Maxtor DiamondMax 10 300 GB

DRVs: LG GDR-H30N-BB, Burner: Plextor PX-810UF

Peripherals: Apple Keyboard, Apple Mighty Mouse

Network: Wireless via Airport Extreme (bcm43xx wlan chip)



worked almost flawlessly. Was in 10.5.2, upgraded to kaly 10.5.3, lost qe/ci, upgraded to 10.5.4, deleted everything starting with GeForce from /system/library/extensions, reinstalled with NVinstaller_V.41 package. Voila. :( .


overall, seems more stable and an increase in 5 points in the Xbench

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