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Using BlackBerry or PDA or Your Smartphone as a Wireless or tethered Modem


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Well after finding out that there was no solution to my problem yet as per getting my Atheros Onboard AG5007 to work or my nVidia Network Controller to work i was about to give up on internet access until someone came out with a fix.. of course this would have turned me off of using the Mac Portion of my Laptop because of the lose of resources from internet access.. But Low and behold i started to stare at my BlackBerry.. and there it was.. the answer to my surf the net on my hackintosh Problem.. If I was able to use the USB or Bluetooth to connect my phone to my Hackintosh then maybe it would be able to see my phone.. errrr NOT!. At first attemp to do this it it actually found my Blackberry via Bluetooth.. which was great!! I thought i was rolling on easy street.. Untill I tired to connect to the Internet.. And got the Not Connected error.. BOOOOOO!! :P . As frustrated as i was, I decided to make some calls to Blackberry.. and they told me that they do not support nor have drivers for a mac as of yet. So once again.. i was discouraged.. But!!! And a Big Butt it was... i found out that you CAN use a Blackberry as a wireless or tethered Dun modem.. So i googled a little more and found a way to do it.. So here it is.. My first Tutorial (well someone else's with a little polishing from me) of hopefully many more as i learn more cause this Hackintosh stuff is great.. Thanks to everyone putting it all out there for us to gain the knowledge we need to do what we have to do to get this thing working and fully functional..



* Go to System Preferences (OSX 10.4.x or greater)

* Choose Bluetooth

* Under the Setup tab choose Set Up New Device

* The Wizard should walk you through the process, but here are the details you need:

o Username = yourphonenumber@(whatever phonecarrier you use).com

o Password = (find out your network password from customer service of your carrier) ill try to update and post some up

o Phone Number = Usually its #777 but your may be different

o Modem script = WWAN Support



Note: If wireless doesn't work for you like it did me :-) here are some fixes.. This one is for AT&T BlackBerry 8100- copy this:


!  BlackBerry 8100
!	Author:	Ross Barkman, hacking up by Tim Hatch and then Grant Goodale
!	History:
!		12 Sept 06	Initial release
!  'mlts' resource info:
!	byte 1 == 01 -> modem HAS built-in error correction protocols
!	byte 2 == 01 -> modem HAS built-in data compression protocols
!	byte 3 == 200 -> max number of chars in varstr 7
!	byte 4 == 200 -> max number of chars in varstr 8
!	byte 5 == 200 -> max number of chars in varstr 9
note "Connecting via BlackBerry 8100." 1
serreset 460800, 0, 8, 1
hsreset 0 0 0 0 0 0
settries 0
! Check the CrackBerry is responding
matchstr 1 2 "OK\13\10"
write "ATZ\13"
matchread 30
iftries 3 101
jump 1
! Manufacturer check - not used
settries 0
!matchstr 1 3  "<manufacturer>"
!write "AT+CGMI\13"
!matchread 60
!jump 109
! Set additional options
matchstr 1 10  "OK\13\10"
matchstr 2 108 "ERROR\13\10"
!write "AT&F&C1S0=0+IFC=3,1\13"
!matchread 30
!iftries 3 101
!jump 6
! Check Access Point Name stored in dialstring (VarString 1)
! If APN is set to None, ignore it
ifstr 1 7 "None"
ifstr 1 7 "none"
ifstr 1 7 "NONE"
!	Set APN using +CGDCONT=1,"IP","<APN>"
write "AT+cgdcont=1,\34IP\34,\34^1\34\13"
jump 8
!	No APN
write "AT\13"
matchread 60
iftries 3 101
jump 6
! Subroutine: Attempt to reset the phone
!pause 5
! Setup complete
! ---- Place a call ----
note "Making EDGE connection." 3
write "ATDT*99***1#\13"
! ---- Connect response ----
! Parses successful connect responses in the following format:
!   CARRIER xxxxx
!   CONNECT zzzzz
matchstr  1 81  "RING\13\10"
matchstr  2 102 "NO DIALTONE\13\10"
matchstr  3 103 "NO CARRIER"
matchstr  4 103 "ERROR\13\10"
matchstr  5 104 "BUSY\13\10"
matchstr  6 105 "NO ANSWER\13\10"
matchstr  7 57  "CARRIER"
matchstr  8 57  "CONNECT"
matchstr  9 61  "PROTOCOL"
matchstr 10 66  "COMPRESSION"
matchread 700
jump 105
note "Communicating at 460800 bps." 2
CommunicatingAt 460800
jump 60
note "Communicating at an unknown rate." 2
jump 70
! -- PROTOCOL parsing --
! Userhook 2 informs ARA that a modem-to-modem error
! correcting protocol has been negotiated
matchstr  1 63 "NONE"
matchstr  2 62 "LAPM"
matchstr  3 62 "ALT"
matchstr  4 63 "\13"
matchread 10
jump 63
note "Modem Reliable Link Established." 2
userhook 2
note "Modem Link Established." 2
jump 32
! -- COMPRESSION parsing --
! Userhook 3 informs ARA that a modem-to-modem compression
! protocol has been negotiated
matchstr  1 68 "NONE"
matchstr  2 67 "V42B"
matchstr  3 67 "MNP5"
matchstr  4 68 "\13"
matchread 10
jump 68
note "Modem Compression Established." 2
userhook 3
note "No compression enabled." 2
jump 32
! -- Normal exit after "CONNECT" --
! Turn CTS on, for hardware flow control
HSReset 0 1 0 0 0 0
pause 30
exit 0
! ---- Answer calls ----
!	A RING result from the modem and in ANSWERING mode
!	claims the serial port and answering the phone
userhook 1
note "Answering phone..." 2
write "ATA\13"
jump 32
! ---- Hang up and reset modem ----
settries 0
HSReset 0 0 0 0 0 0
!  Escape from data to command mode
matchstr 1 94 "OK\13\10"
pause 11
write "+++"
matchread 20
! Send hangup command
pause 10
matchstr 1 98 "NO CARRIER\13\10"
matchstr 2 98 "OK\13\10"
matchstr 3 98 "ERROR\13\10"
matchstr 4 98 "0\13\10"
write "ATH0\13"
matchread 30
! If that fails, toggle DTR
pause 5
! Try this three times only
iftries 3 101
jump 92
! Reset phone to default settings
pause 10
matchstr 1 99 "OK\13\10"
write "AT&F\13"
matchread 30
jump 101
exit 0
! ---- Error messages -----
! Modem Not Responding
@LABEL 101
exit -6019
! No Dial Tone
@LABEL 102
exit -6020
! No Carrier or Error
@LABEL 103
exit -6021
! Busy
@LABEL 104
exit -6022
! No Answer
@LABEL 105
exit -6023
! User Cancellation
@LABEL 107
exit -6008
@LABEL 108
exit -6002 "The phone or network does not seem to support the GPRS options required for this script"
@LABEL 109
exit -6002 "This script is only suitable for <manufacturer> mobile phones"
@LABEL 110
exit -6002 "DO NOT put *99... in the telephone number - use the Access Point Name (APN) for your network instead"


and open your favorite text editor and paste this code into it. Once you do that.. Save the file as (model of blackberry ergo Blackberry 8100) and save it.. it should look like this Blackberry 8100.txt


Once your done with that rename the file an delete the .txt part.. so that it just has "Blackberry 8100" without quotes of course... Ahh the joys of Coke... Not the drug the drink.. caffeine rush is that same.. anyway moving along..


You'll want to move the downloaded file into your system Library. Do this by opening up the Finder, then clicking on your hard disk name, then clicking on "Library" and "Modem Scripts". Make sure you don't put the file in your personal Library folder but the one at the topmost level.


Now you need to pair your Blackberry with your Mac. If you've already done that, you can skip ahead a few steps, but if not, I'll show you how to do that too.


It's not too bad if you haven't paired them: open System Preferences --> Bluetooth and make sure that you have Bluetooth on. (If your Mac doesn't have bluetooth you're out of luck and cannot proceed. Sorry!) You also need to ensure that you have set up your Mac to be "discoverable", as shown here:




It's time to turn your shiny Blackberry on and move to the Bluetooth Set Up screen:




You should see the phone scanning for bluetooth devices:




and hopefully finding your Mac:




Once the phone actually sees the Mac, the Mac will automatically switch to show you the necessary passkey, a seven digit number, which you'll need to enter into your Blackberry for them to pair properly:




When you initiate the pairing, you'll have a chance to accept or reject a requested connection: You want to accept the connection from your Mac, obviously.


A critical, critical step now, one that I didn't realize and that caused me a lot of grief, is that you need to go into the Bluetooth options on the phone and change one of the default settings. The defaults probably look like this:




The problem is that you need to change Discoverable to "Yes", not "No" or "Ask". I had it on Ask and every time I tried to connect to the Pearl -- including when I was going to use it as a modem -- it asked if I really wanted to do that. Problem was, that messes up the modem script and causes the whole process to fail. Not good. But easily fixed.


You'll also want to ensure your Pearl doesn't require a password for your Mac to connect to it; the 'Trusted Connection' option on the Pearl entry for this specific connection must also be set to 'Yes', not 'Ask', but that should be the default once you've entered the passkey.


Good. You're done with your Pearl and can put it down. It's time to finish configuring things on the Mac side.


To do that, remember you're still in the Bluetooth System Preference and select the new "Blackberry 8100" device in Devices. Click "Configure" and you'll launch the Bluetooth Setup Assistant, which will then ask:




ou can use the Address Book or not, but it's critical that you select "Access the Internet" and that you specify "Use a direct, higher speed connection", as shown here, and click "Continue".


At this point you'll get a chance to specify a username, password, phone number, etc. You'll want to select the new "Blackberry 8100" modem script you downloaded here, leave the username and password blank, and enter exactly *99***1# for the GPRS CID string. It'll end up looking thusly:




Since you've wisely opted to "Show modem status in the menu bar" on the last step, you have a tiny telephone handset on your menu bar. Click it:




elect "Open Internet Connect...". Select the Bluetooth icon at the top and enter either "wap.voicestream.com" for T-Mobile or "wap.cingular" for Cingular. Add a username and password, either guest / guest for T-Mobile or WAP@CINGULARGPRS.COM / CINGULAR1 as the username and password for Cingular. Since I'm on Cingular, my setup looks like this:




That's all there is to it, believe it or not! Assuming everything's indeed configured properly on both the phone and Mac, you should be able to click on "Connect" in the Internet Connect window (or choose "Connect" from the little modem menu on the menu bar). If it all works, here's what you'll end up seeing:




(Special Thanks to Dave Taylor and Grant for this wonderful Method)



Ok now moving on there is another way for other Blackberry and PDA owners to do this or if the above doesn't work for you.. Here it is..


Download these ===>scripts. One download for all phone models!

Unzip that file into Macintosh (OS)/(Name)/Library/Modem Scripts. If successful, you should see a new directory named BlackBerry.ccl there.

Pair your phone as the instructions above - when asked for the phone's Vendor and Model, choose 'Research in Motion' and whatever model of phone you have. You should know that the username, password and phone number fields should be filled in with the same values as whatever is appropriate for your carrier. Check these out if your not sure.




APN: wap.cingular 
Password: CINGULAR1


if not try this


Password: CINGULAR1






APN: wap.voicestream.com 
Username: guest 
Password: guest


Do some Research for your carrier.. these are just examples of what to look for.. remember.. "Google is Your Friend" :P



Ok once again Moving on..


No lets say that you don't want wireless or non of the methods above work.. well there is another way for you to get connected and thats by using your wireless phone as a tethered Modem.


And using Verizons Access Manager for OSX for the Motorola Q.. Yes it should work for whatever smart phone or PDA you use..


Or use Sprints Connection Manager for OSX


Unfortunately for AT&T Users.. your going to have to see if the others works for you, because their Communication Manager does not Support MAc.. How Funny is that?? They Corner the Market on the Iphone but they don't support OSX?? WOW!!


Ok Now for the Fine Print..


If you Do not Have a Modem Plan Or Tethered Modem Plan When you use this.. They can charge you per Minute.. per Bandwidth.. or however they charge you.. (Unlimited Data Plans Do not Count!!!!) Ill update as i get more information.. Hope this helps all those who need their Internet fix via OSX and cannot get online the regular way :-)


Post your results and let me know

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  • 4 months later...

So wait... according to this, I should be able to tether my Curve to OSX by downloading Sprint's SmartView for OSX?


I ask for confirmation on this because in Windows, I can't get the connection to initiate in SmartView until I open BlackBerry Desktop Manager - it doesn't even recognize the phone until I do that. So you're saying that this works around it?


This is the official list of supported devices: http://www.sprint.com/assets/downloads/spr...VDevicesMac.pdf


And nothing but air cards are listed.

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