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new one needs install help...


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hello there!!!


i really love apple, but there is not enough money to get a mac... so i thought why not setup osx as a second os onto my sytem?! ok, but the problems just began here....


i searched the internet for image-files of an a(hopefully working) mac osx... i found the file "Kalyway 10.5.2 DVD Intel Amd" dl'd it, burned on dvd and rebooted pc with disc in it.... it also starts the "installation process" with checking some things, and preparing my machine.... but then it stopped with the message "Still waiting for boot device" ok, lets head back to the internet and search for ways to go out there.... but i don't understand some walkthroughs and the others didnt work for me...


in one post, it was said to unpack the iso-file onto a partition on the hdd and then boot from there.... ok, lets try this i thought.. then i recognized, that the unpacked iso-file was just 61,7kb!? and the iso file itself mess up with 3,65GB so, wheres the mistake?! destroyed image or just wrong unpacked (i used winrar as always)


oh and on cd its the same... the content of the dvd is just 116kb (maybe windows can't read the rest?!) and on the disc is just one file called "cdboot.pcefi.debug" and one "BootHelp.txt" (reading this confuses me just mor then before)




so, what i'm asking for now: is the image usable? and could you give me an manual on how to get it work?! please in a very simple way, because my english isn't very well ._.



oh, and my system secs are as follows:


amd athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6400+ 3,21Ghz

2,00GB ram

Asus M2N-SliDeluce Motherboard

OS: Windows Vista Home Premium 64Bit version (original software)



if you need more information, just feel free to ask!


thanks a lot,



oh, and please don't come around with posts like "Use search engine, you stupid fool" or something like that... i just said, that i dont understand what they ware talking about in the topics.... and so i cant find out if it's neccessary for me...

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get Zephyroth's AMD 10.5.2 rev2 or leo4allv3 the images have better support for AMD machines. Windows doesn't read osx files thats why the dvd is only 116 kb

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ok, it's done i think.... i was able to install osx but after the first reboot i had many troubles to get one system to work... the "bios" asks me to insert the system disk and reboot again.... ok, thats what i do, (i inserted the vista cd to use its bootloader) and i could repair the vista one, but there is no bootloader now... and in explorer i can't see the partition, where i installed osx anymore (think thats normal)



could you help me to get the bootloader work again?! or some other ideas?




thanks a lot,


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ok, i got it now. easybcd helped me to make a boot menu, where i can choose vista or osx... but the problems still go on:


when i choose the osx, the darwin boot menu comes up, where i see all my partitions from my hdd. when i choose the osx partition it starts with the same things like before the osx installation (befor the gui comes up) and it stops with the known line:


"Still waiting for boot device"


and nothing more happens... any ideas?!

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hey, i'm sorry for all theese double posts, but i only have internet this month... then i'm offline for nearly 2months.... and i would be very lucky, if it is possible to fix my osx problem as long as i'm online...



well, someone elso has an idea on what to do?!


thanks a lot,


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Burn the image to a dvd as you normally would. You will have to partition part of your hard drive for the os x installation. The size is up to you. If you're using a second hard drive then do not partition the drive with NTFS. Use Fat32.


After booting with the DVD you have to use disk utility from the DVD to create your partition for mac (journaled). Once that is done you will continue with the installation as normal. Good luck with the drivers.

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We have the same CPU (I assume you have the unlocked Black Edition, too?) and mine boots fine (on Windows atm because I'm still having trouble with my Wireless drivers), so if you do as I did, I can't see you having too much of a problem :(

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momo, i think i havent explained as good as i would...


at the moment i havn't got the problem to get to installer anymore (thanks to DoiX for the advice to take an other version than kalyway) i'm now using "leo4All 10.5.2"... i was able to install it without any problems. i just set up the partition to "Mac OsX journailed" and add some options (vanilla Kernel, the one under Vanilla, ando some things that are for AMD too...) and after install i got the reboot as normal.... but when i try o start the osx, the same error comes up.... maybe i should write the last 2 lines...



FireWire unable to determine security-mode; defaulting ti full secure

Still waiting for root device



and thats it...


i also tried it out with some boot-options (like -v, -f) just with the -x option i could see the apple boot logo (the grey one, with the apple and the loading circle below...) but after 30s-50sec of booting i saw this sign in the middle of the screen:


(i just don't know how its called in english, therefor the pic) it's also grey and exact in the middle of the screen.... with the apple logo and the spinning circle behind it...





but thats it... the os isn't really loading at all...



any more ideas?

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You're using the Vanilla kernel? I thought that was only meant for Intel CPUs? I'm not familliar with Leo4All, so what I'm about to tell you may or may not be correct.


When you get to the Darwin prompt press F8 to enter advanced startup mode.


Type "sleepkernel" and let it load. See if it loads. If it doesn't, try "stepsleepkernel" instead. Just go through the list of Kernel's (that are applicable to AMD, of course) until it loads. When you get to the grey loading screen it'll probably freeze (it does on my computer), just let it sit for a while (about 15 minutes) and it should load.

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