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I loaded the GEForce Go kext from NVInject, cleaned out the old kexts, repaired permissions, but still have the same crappy 1024x768 screen.


And still no audio.


I'll keep at it tho.


To get native full resolution, use the package posted at the begining of this topic, I've even reposted a link to them recently. Read trough... instructions are inside the package.

For sound, install Azalia kexts. They're even included in the customize section of the installing process.

hey guys i know this is the wrong topic but i have got a laptop related Leopord problom and no one is replying to my thread.. well i got the iatkos image 1.0i and burned it at 1* i then restarted and wait for the disc to boot the disc then boots i press F8 to get into the boot menu then i type in -v to see the text to see if anyhting wrong then it stops saying apple.com.driver_ACPI_SMC something then says this driver relys on the kernal and the boot file and then stops...... ive tryed disabling the driver using -ACPIX86PC someting like that but nothing works


PLEAESE HELP i realy want leoperd my specs are

IBM thinkpad R50e

40GB hardrive

Win XP

766MB Ram

Intel Celeron M (not sure wat the clock spped is)

intel integrated GPU

To get native full resolution, use the package posted at the begining of this topic, I've even reposted a link to them recently. Read trough... instructions are inside the package.

For sound, install Azalia kexts. They're even included in the customize section of the installing process.

Thanks "TheOne". That's what I get for trying to plow through this. In my excitement about finally getting OS X on this machine I skipped over some very important info, like yours. That and the only time I can work on it is between 1am - 5am...very groggy hours.


I'm still having some issues with the trackpad and keyboard. Sometimes they will be recognized at boot, other times I have to plug in a USB mouse and/or USB keyboard for it to work. It's very hit or miss. This issue may be resolved if I delete the IOFirewire kexts as was mentioned earlier.


The other issue is that it won't boot at all unless I hit ESC, hit enter to boot from hard drive, and hit enter as soon as the boot parameter screen comes up. All this must be done really quickly or I will see a plist error. I've heard it is possibly due to AHCI being turned OFF in the BIOS. I don't have an option for this.


The system seems to have a better time booting if I leave the LEO4ALL disk in the drive. It won't give me a plist error if I do this.


So, tonight or sometime this weekend I'm going to reinstall with V2 exactly by your method. Is there any preference on kernels? Is there much difference between V2 and V3? I'd try V3, but I haven't gotten around to learning how to patch an install DVD.

The trackpad keyboard error is most likely due to the ACPI kexts that allow our wireless to work. So far all my research has led me to believe that it's either integrated wireless, or trackpad, and since I can just boot with a USB keyboard and unplug it once Leopard loads, I'll stick with the integrated wireless. Like I said, delete your IOFirewire kexts, then on reboot keep the USB keyboard plugged in. When you get to the bootloader, use -s to boot into single user, then type exit, and you should be good.

The trackpad keyboard error is most likely due to the ACPI kexts that allow our wireless to work. So far all my research has led me to believe that it's either integrated wireless, or trackpad, and since I can just boot with a USB keyboard and unplug it once Leopard loads, I'll stick with the integrated wireless. Like I said, delete your IOFirewire kexts, then on reboot keep the USB keyboard plugged in. When you get to the bootloader, use -s to boot into single user, then type exit, and you should be good.


You seem to be right on the money about this. I've never had the need to use -s. Anyway, it's hard for me to be able to boot with any parameters unless I type really fast or leave the install disk in the drive. :(


I wonder if it matters which kernel is used. Worth a try to play around a bit.

I'm on the default 9.2.0 kernel from the Leo4AllV3 DVD. I'd like to get an external HDD to do a Time Machine backup so I can try an upgrade to the newest kernel and 10.5.4.

Do you know what would be the best method to upgrade to 10.5.4?


Anyway, here's the latest...


Installed Nvidia kexts recommended by :TheOne: - worked as advertised


Deleted IOFirewire kexts to try and resolve IOKit delays at boot - no workie.


Going forward with a fresh install...see you all in about an hour or so.

I really don't think there's a fix for that problem. Unless someone can get an ACPI kext that allows the integrated wireless to work and PS/2 support on boot, we're stuck. Which BIOS version are you using? I'm on F3.D.


F2 something...maybe F2.4? Does F3 have any new good options or fixes?


In order for me to update that I think I have to load XP again.


I reinstalled with the instructions provided by ..TheOne.. and all went ok. However, I still have no sound. There were 2 Azalia sound options and I chose the first one (azaliaaudio it think). No joy.


The system will not boot up properly unless a USB keyboard and USB mouse is attached. The system still hangs for about 5 minutes or so with the IOKit error.


Lastly, the system cannot mount the Leo4All disk in the drive for some weird reason.


The good news is that the wireless works perfect.

Just connecting the keyboard at boot seems to work (for the moment) in allowing the sys keyboard/trackpad to work.


I also deleted the kext for azalia that came with Leo4All and loaded this one...AzaliaAudio.pkg.zip


Now sound works but is VERY choppy. Video is OK minus QE/CI.


Startup still sucks. Connect keyboard, quick fingers on selecting boot drive...ESC, tab down-ENTER, ENTER, ENTER. Pray all else works. Wait FOREVERRRRR for the IOKit BS.


Added the fix for network recommended by ..TheOne..


So, it works...sort of.


Great work by all the hackers out there!

The new BIOS updated the fan control because our laptops were having overheating issues. I know I had to send mine in for a new motherboard because of it. I'm pretty sure we'll never see QE/CI with these laptops because of the shared VRAM. Oh well, I can live without it. Next summer I think I'll build a new desktop in the hopes of turning that into a Hackintosh.

Just connecting the keyboard at boot seems to work (for the moment) in allowing the sys keyboard/trackpad to work.


I also deleted the kext for azalia that came with Leo4All and loaded this one...AzaliaAudio.pkg.zip


Now sound works but is VERY choppy. Video is OK minus QE/CI.


Startup still sucks. Connect keyboard, quick fingers on selecting boot drive...ESC, tab down-ENTER, ENTER, ENTER. Pray all else works. Wait FOREVERRRRR for the IOKit BS.


Added the fix for network recommended by ..TheOne..


So, it works...sort of.


Great work by all the hackers out there!



I've got that choppy sound you told us about sometimes. I've realized that this happen when your notebook doesn't have power adapter plugged in. Plug it in, and I'm pretty sure your sound will be nice and clear.

I don't know what could be happening with your boot time... My notebook boots to OSX exactly at 1 minute and 29 seconds since I select it from Darwin's bootloader (everytime). That's only 13 seconds more than XP's boot time, about the same than Ubuntu Hardy, and like 1-2 minutes less than Vista's.

However... when I screw something up with the kexts and it seems like not booting, I just boot with -x parameter. 2 or 3 minutes later it boots on safe mode, so I can fix whatever has gone bad.

Well, I have installed iDeneb and still have the 5 minute hang at the IOKit message during boot. OS X 10.5.4 with modbin kernel 9.4.0. The system shows only one core, but seems to be working just fine. The keyboard / trackpad do not work at all, but I'm working on a fix for that. Sound is optimal now with the same AppleAzaliaAudio kexts. It was not an issue of having the power unplugged. The power has never been unplugged.


After some time I'll post greater detail of the progress made and how it was done.

Procedure I followed to install iDeneb 10.5.4 on HP Pavilion dv6110us with modbin kernel 9.4.0 using entire 100Gb HD:



Leo4All v4.1 is installed exactly the same way, but already has the powermanagement bundle included.


First...my specs. Your system may differ in chipset, video or whatever. Some chipsets do not have a driver, yet, so if you have trouble with install, search the forum to see if someone has posted a fix for your particular hardware.

  • Processor: AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-50 (dual core)
  • Processor Speed: 1.6 GHz
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • System Chipset: nForce Go 430
  • nVidia NForce MCP51 SATA Hard Disk / DVD.
  • BIOS Version: F.25
  • Video: nVidia GeForce Go 6150 128MB vram - updated in BIOS (15.4 inch Display)
  • USB 2.0
  • Wi-fi: Broadcom B/G WiFi
  • Wired ethernet - unknown
  • Sound: Intel High Definition Audio (Azalia)


You will need these kexts later for wired, wireless networking and screen resolution. Download and save to pen drive or whatever.

- DPCIManager.zip To view device IDs


- nForceEthernetDriver.kext.zip For wired ethernet


- dv6420laPack.zip Instructions included.(Originally posted by ..TheOne.. on page one of this thread)


Optionally you can also download this PowerManagement.bundle to add the battery meter and some power management features. Instructions included. (Found on this thread by c_c)

Not needed for Leo4All v4.1 as it is already included in install.


- PowerManagement.zip


F10 on boot to go into BIOS

- Set a boot password (not BIOS password) if possible. (This helps prevent the com.apple.boot.plist error - thanks redash!)

- Increase vram in to max which is 128Mb (Optional, but really improves performance)

- Set Boot Order to boot from HD first


Before power on...connect USB mouse - leave keyboard disconnected for now

(The following process has to be done as quick as possible or you will get an error such as "com.apple.Boot.plist not found")

- Boot laptop and hit ESC at the ESC/F10 prompt

- Select boot from CD then hit ENTER

- Hit F8

- Type -v then hit ENTER


Have a USB keyboard ready and insert it approximately 5 seconds after the previous step. (This goofy process is probably only particular to this model HP. It may be much more straightforward for other models/chipsets. YMMV)


- Repeat process if you get stuck at "waiting for root device". This is where many people have trouble. Much of this has to do with the system having trouble with ps/2. The kexts on the DVD are not perfect yet for this chipset. You may have to play around with the USB mouse/keyboard combination (what and when to plug them in) to bypass this troublespot and force the system to load the USB ones. I know I tried a LOT of things to get past this stupid message.


- Afterwards, the system may appear to hang (or stop responding), but BE PATIENT. It just goes through the install slow in some places. I had to wait over 7 minutes on some installs.


Upon successfully entering into GUI install I went to Disk Utility, erased the entire 100GB drive & formatted to Mac OS Extended (Journaled). (There are methods of dual or triple booting with Windows & Linux but I will not discuss this here. Search the forums.)


Continue setup.


Select Customize.


Options I selected that worked good for iDeneb (Thanks ..TheOne..):


- Additional fonts

- Select your language. English is already default so leave unchecked if you don't need others.

- Nforce Test driver (meDevil's kext for the motherboard & internal SATA drive support) (This is of utmost importance and I forgot to put this in the list)

- X11

- AMD Patch

- AppleAzaliaAudio

- Modbin Kernel 9.4.0 (Other kernels may work good, but I wanted 9.4.0. Tried the other kernels but there were no fixes. 9.2.0 Sleep really hurt the system)

- Broadcom Wireless

- Firewire kext removal - this laptop has no firewire anyway and it is said to speed up boot a little

- PS2Controller Fix - didn't make much of a difference with or without.

- Install all apps except Firefox. Firefox was customized in Italian so just skip this app & dl later unless you prefer Italian setup


Options I selected for Leo4All v4.1

- Chipset

---- NForce Test

---- VIA SIS Marvell & SB Chipset Driver (not sure if necessary)

- Audio

---- AzaliaAudio

- Graphics (NO DRIVERS SELECTED) - None of the options work for the GeForce Go 6150

- Network

---- Broadcom

- Remove Firewire

- "About this Mac"

- StageXNU kernel

- SMBIOS - Netkas

- ACPIPlatform 1.1.0

- EFI Bootloader


Install. Wait about 20 minutes. Reboot. Take disk out. Leave Keyboard and mouse connected.

Hit ESC, Enter to boot from HD, F8, -v, ENTER


Wait forever. Install should be good. Sound good. Network & screen resolution not good. After typical Apple GUI setup is done...


- Apply the GeForce Go 6150 and wireless kext fixes suggested by ..TheOne.. using Kext Helper (Applications/iDeneb App/Kext Helper)

- Do not reboot yet.

- (Optional, ymmv) Open OSX86Tools and enable Quartz GL for a nice speed enhancement. Just ran Xbench with and without QGL enabled. System benchmarked at about 50 regardless.

- Set boot time to 2 or 1 in com.apple.boot.plist using OSX86Tools or whatever method you like (/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration)

- Set Kernel Flag in com.apple.Boot.plist to -v idlehalt=0 cpus=2. -v is important so you can see exactly how the system starts up, and where it hangs. idlehalt=0 cpus=2 will allow your sound to work properly and speed system up alot.

- Reboot


- Now screen can be changed to 1280x800


- Recommend to disable screensaver and deactivate computer, display & hard disk sleep functions in System Preferences. I believe they are the culprit to crashing the system intermittently.


Onboard Ethernet Fix: (Thanks to AlSnow for discovering this fix)


Download the following files:



Use DPCIManager to find your ethernet device id. Open the Info.plist inside nForceEthernetDriver.kext and ensure your id is listed in the string after IOPCIPrimaryMatch. If it isn't, add it in there. For example, if your device id is "10DE 0269", add in 0x26910DE. Add the kext using kexthelper.


Trackpad Scroll Fix (optional): (Originally found here)


Method #1:

- Go to /System/Library/Extensions/

- Back up ApplePS2Controller.kext

- Edit '/System/Library/Extensions/ApplePS2Controller.kext/Contents/Plugins/ApplePS2Trackpad.kext/Contents/info.plist to read like the following:


		<key>Synaptics TouchPad</key>


Method #2:

- Go to /System/Library/Extensions/

- Back up ApplePS2Controller.kext

- Go to /System/Library/Extensions/ApplePS2Controller.kext/Contents/PlugIns/

- Delete ApplePS2Trackpad.kext




- Sound - Works perfect as long as idlehalt=0 cpus=2 are passed as boot flags. *see UPDATE below

- Boot Time = exactly 2 minutes

- 1280x800 display with patch


- Wireless - works with patch (Light turns pink)

- Shutdown and reboot

- QuartzGL - Supported

- Trackpad with scroll / Keyboard / vol-mute buttons *see UPDATE below

- CD/DVD reads - writing not tested tho

- Screen Sharing :D

- Auvi WBT100 USB Bluetooth adapter works right out of the box

- Office 2008, iLife 08, iWork 08, iTunes and a bunch more

- Wired ethernet - works with nForceEthernetDriver.kext


Not Working:

- Suspend/sleep

- Quartz Extreme - Not Supported

- Headphones

- System may crash or lock up at some random point forcing a reboot. It did so by itself last night. May be due to entering screensaver mode. Fixed with StageXNU kernel and disabling sleep. *see UPDATE below

- Most screensavers do not work. So far only "Computer Name" and "Flurry" work. Screensaver may crash system though. I expect this is due to the lack of QE/CI support.

- Roxio 9 installs but app will not start

- Front Row - Screen just goes black, but you can get back by hitting ESC.



- "About this Mac" shows "Total Number Of Cores: 1" - Other threads show this to be merely cosmetic. Activity Monitor shows 2 cores working so it's not technically crippled. StageXNU 9.4.0 kernel fixes this issue.

- Core Image - Software

- Keyboard, trackpad & vol-mute buttons work only when usb kb & usb mouse connected at boot. Can be unplugged after logged in. *see UPDATE below

- Hangs at boot for approx 5 minutes at IOKit message when usb keyboard & usb mouse not connected at boot. If connected at boot, no problem. System is fully booted in exactly 2 minutes :dev:



- mic input


- CD/DVD burning - Roxio installed but app would not start. I'll try a different method later.

- IR port

- VGA video output

- Modem

- PCMCIA card slot

- HP Expansion slot





Internal keyboard, trackpad and vol/mute buttons will only work properly if a usb keyboard & usb mouse are plugged in during boot. After system is up and running you can disconnect them. Also, my system occasionally crashes...goes to a black screen. It may happen when it goes into screensaver mode. I've tried to set the screensaver to never launch, but it does anyway. StageXNU kernel 9.4.0 fixed the crash issue.

It seems that I can boot properly with only the USB keyboard connected at startup, sometimes. I've read this to be true with other setups as well. Does anyone know of possible fixes for this issue? I believe the internal kb/trackpad are ps2.


Sometimes sound is ok, sometimes not, depending on how it boots up. If trackpad works, sound is bad. If trackpad is not working, sound is great. Not sure where the problem lies. I tried changing the vram settings in the BIOS, but nothing really worked there. Any ideas?

Sound is working fine now that I added idlehalt=0 cpus=2 as Kernel Flags in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist.


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		   <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/Property/List-1.0.dtd">
		   <plist version="1.0">
								  <key>Kernel Flags</key>
								  <string>-v idlehalt=0 cpus=2</string>


Tried the different kernels, but none offered any fixes that I've been able to see. 9.2.0 Sleep kernel caused the most trouble, btw. I recommend sticking with the modbin version.


Replaced modbin kernel with StageXNU Kernel 9.4.0.

Not required for Leo4All v4.1 since StageXNU can be selected during install.

The StageXNU Kernel 9.4.0 for Intel/AMD SSE2 SSE3 fixes the single CPU irritation in System Profiler. It is also supposed to help the system be able to use sleep. When my system went to sleep, it never got back out of black screen. This kernel did, however fix the random system crash bug.

- New kernel on the block: StageXNU Kernel for OSx86 Released

- I used this for instructions to load kernel


Also, does anyone know of a power management fix that I can try? I've heard of some out there but can't find anything particular. I may try different kernels at some point, but that will have to wait for a bit.

Found a great fix for power management on this thread...here. Link to updated file are in the instructions above. Basically just have to replace the /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/PowerManagement.bundle then sudo chown -R /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/PowerManagement.bundle.

Good for iDeneb, but not required for Leo4All v4.1 since power management is installed by default.


Trackpad scroll is now working. The "fix", or workaround was found in this thread. Basically you can do one of 2 things...edit the ApplePS2Trackpad.kext, or delete it. I tried the edit method and it did not work at all for me. (works now) So, I went for the delete method. Now trackpad works and is customizable under System Preferences / Keyboard & Mouse / Mouse (not trackpad 'cause it ain't there no more). Still have to boot w/USB kb/mouse unfortunately.

- Go to /System/Library/Extensions/

- Back up ApplePS2Controller.kext

- Go to /System/Library/Extensions/ApplePS2Controller.kext/Contents/PlugIns/

- Delete ApplePS2Trackpad.kext


Please post your successes or fails with your dv6000 AMD in this thread.

Annunaki: I just came here yesterday to find out if this was possible on my dv6110us and I've been following your progress since hoping you'd get this to work. Just now registered my account to join in on the fun. I'm downloading both iDeneb 10.5.4 and Leo4allv3 and I'll see if my experiences are the same as your own.


Thanks for being such a detailed poster!

Annunaki: I just came here yesterday to find out if this was possible on my dv6110us and I've been following your progress since hoping you'd get this to work. Just now registered my account to join in on the fun. I'm downloading both iDeneb 10.5.4 and Leo4allv3 and I'll see if my experiences are the same as your own.


Thanks for being such a detailed poster!

This is very interesting...and thank you btw. If you decide to try dual boot, let me know how that goes. I'm very curious if you run into the same issues.

I'm running ubuntu hardy now, and will most likely not partition and just install straight over it.


My only problem is, one of my two USB ports is dead...so I'll have to try to do it without my USB keyboard.


A small USB hub plugged into the working port may solve that.

Remove IONDRVSupport.kext from /System/Library/Extensions folder. Reboot and open System Preferences panel. Now you can choose your correct screen resolution.


2) Install included AppleACPIPlatform.kext, AppleAPIC.kext using kext helper. Reboot. Now you have your shiny Wifi working!


I noticed in the dv6420laPack.zip you included a copy of IONDRVSupport.kext. Are we to delete the original IONDRV and replace with the one in the zip file? Or do we merely delete the original and reboot?


Actually I think I just found the answer for that. Removing IONDRVSupport.kext enables the newly installed NVIDIA kexts to work properly. However, if the Nvidia kexts go bad for whatever reason, you might only be able to log into the console. The IONDRVSupport.kext in the zip file is a backup just in case.



You might want to try adding a password on boot in bios. this will take away the boot.plist not found problem that seems to be related to timing of the boot and detection of drives. this would explain why the disc in the drive helps to prevent this boot plist error.


I finally got my hp dv6000 / dv6338se laptop installed with 10.5.2 leo4all v2 working.

Following instructions above - thx. (minus the dv6420 kexts.)

With these I got stuck where I couldn't recover system... tried to get to single mode - but no joy. The touchpad / keyboard is very intermittent.

I would suggest to clone the drive once you get the system up with alteris.

The time machine does/can back up...but I wouldn't depend on it for a system restore.

At the boot prompt I didn't select anything nor pressed enter.... just let it run its course.

wait for 5 mins to pass the time out waiting for ioKit to quiesce

when I approached this previously with Zephroph install - I couldn't get past this point - but with the Nforce test kext included with 10.5.2 leo4all it finally boots up.


I lost half the day messing around with strange reboots... but found this post that I will refer to that may help someone...

"When I do boot with –v, things get even stranger, I've never seen the "Unexpected resend request from PS/2 Controller" error before on any other machine I've booted the installer on, but most of the people getting it on the forums get it consistently, I for some reason get it off and on, and in varying amounts. Sometimes I get it repeatedly so much it scrolls for several pages and just gets stuck like that, sometimes I don't get it at all, sometimes I get it a few times and then it stops and behaves normally. I know it has something to do with the track pad and the keyboard, because it was originally not seeing them 90% of the time, but I found a way around that: Plugging a USB keyboard and mouse into the right side USB slot, for some reason that makes it WORK 90% of the time." I tried plugging only keyboard in right hand side and I could successfully re-install.


wifi - still troubleshooting (will try again after I clone drive)

ethernet - not working.



seems like on each reboot I get another error message.

this time it stops at USBF 31.302 aquireOSOwnerhip done - value 0x1000001

reboot....keyboard /touchpad stops working



interesting - I booted up with legacy (without the minus) at boot prompt and now touchpad / keyboard working.


Microprocessor 1.8 GHz AMD Turion ™ 64 X2 Dual-Core Mobile Technology TL-56

Microprocessor Cache 512KB+512KB L2 Cache

Memory 1024MB DDR2 System Memory (2 Dimm)

Video Graphics NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 (UMA)

Hard Drive 160GB 5400RPM (SATA)

Multimedia Drive LightScribe Super Multi 8X DVD±R/RW with Double Layer Support

Display 15.4" WXGA High-Definition Brightview Widescreen (1280 X 800)

Fax/Modem High speed 56k modem

Network Card Integrated 10/100BASE-T Ethernet LAN (RJ-45 connector)

Wireless Connectivity 802.11b/g WLAN

You might want to try adding a password on boot in bios. this will take away the boot.plist not found problem that seems to be related to timing of the boot and detection of drives. this would explain why the disc in the drive helps to prevent this boot plist error.

Thanks redash.


I did a few things to help resolve the timing overall. I set the com.apple.boot.plist delay from 5 seconds to 2 and added the -v option (for now). Changed boot order to HD first then CD. Placed a password on boot. I'm gonna try lowering the bios boot delay from 5 seconds to 1 or 2 and remove boot password later and try that out. The system boots much faster and seems to get around the IOKit thing quicker than 5 minutes (I'll time it later). A USB keyboard and mouse still have to be attached at boot in order for the system to start up well and allow the trackpad / internal kb to work. We just remove the USB stuff after successful boot.




So far the system seems stable enough. I increased the video ram size in the bios from 64MB to 128MB. Leopard runs a lot smoother now. I left the house today and came back to a black screen and blinking cursor. I attempted to have the system do a s/w update while we were out so that possibly did it. However, when I first installed the system, I made sure the computer & display never went to "sleep". I did not check the option for "Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible". That was probably the culprit. Sleep does not work well with this setup right now.


A few programs do not work like Roxio 9, Front Row, and probably a couple others. Sound is choppy from certain sources. Headphone jack does not work. Most screensavers don't work (possibly due to the lack of full QE/CI). iLife, iWork, Office 2008...so far, so good.


'til later...

I noticed in the dv6420laPack.zip you included a copy of IONDRVSupport.kext. Are we to delete the original IONDRV and replace with the one in the zip file? Or do we merely delete the original and reboot?


Actually I think I just found the answer for that. Removing IONDRVSupport.kext enables the newly installed NVIDIA kexts to work properly. However, if the Nvidia kexts go bad for whatever reason, you might only be able to log into the console. The IONDRVSupport.kext in the zip file is a backup just in case.




Hello again, and sorry for the late answer.

That's right, you're supposed to just remove it. The file is there for backup reasons as you correctly figured.

Anyway, let me tell you that once, for research matters, I've tried this resolution fix and after success I put IONDRVSupport.kext back to the directory and doing this didn't turn down the fix. The resolution was still the correct one.

I still recommend to remove it because it's the way I've got succes.

Hello peoples......my english not nice, but i try exp my problem.....

I have HP Pavilion dv6451us.....


Microprocessor 1.8 GHz AMD Turion ™ 64 X2 Dual-Core Mobile Technology TL-56

Microprocessor Cache 512KB+512KB L2 Cache

Memory 2048MB DDR2 System Memory (2 Dimm)

Video Graphics NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 (UMA)

Hard Drive 160GB 5400RPM (SATA)

Multimedia Drive LightScribe Super Multi 8X DVD±R/RW with Double Layer Support

Display 15.4" WXGA High-Definition Brightview Widescreen (1280 X 800)

Fax/Modem High speed 56k modem

Network Card Integrated 10/100BASE-T Ethernet LAN (RJ-45 connector)

Wireless Connectivity 802.11b/g WLAN


i try to install:

Kaly 10.5.2 AMD ---- wan't install, write.........Unexpected resend request from PS/2 Controller....i dont know what is this

tiger 10.4.10 amd --- =( long story

leo4all v2 and v3 ----- can't find boot file....


Please help me =).......

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