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What do you need?


- Hackintosh with 10.4.4 or 10.4.5


- Installed FrontRow. You can find it at Mac OS X Install Disk 1 > System > Installation > Packages > .packages > FrontRow.pkg. You can install it with Pacifist (it is free http://www.charlessoft.com/ ) without any installer checks.


Use "Finder > Go To Folder" to open hidden folder (.packages).


- any USB mouse (!)


- FrontRowPass driver (it is absolutely legal simple mouse HID driver with sweet candy). You can download it at http://www.yuriev.info/FrontRowPass.kext.zip


How to ...?


1. Open System Profiler and and check your USB Mouse ProductID and VendorID (Hardware > USB).

2. Convert ProductID and VendorID to Decimal (Calculator > View > Programmer).

3. Open FrontRowPass.kext > Contents > Info.plist. And change idProduct and idVendor (decimal value).

4. Copy FrontRowPass.kext to /System/Library/Extensions

5. In Terminal

sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext

6. Test it with

sudo kextload -v System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext

6. Remove Extensions.kextcach and Extensions.mkext in /System/Library.

7. Reboot.

8. Hooah, comrades! Native FrontRow on your Hackintosh :).


After that you can use Front Row with keyboard, Salling Clicker device or any other that support Front Row.



Or you can set any shortcut in System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard Shortcuts (Front Row).


Doesn't work on my System. I tried to change the shortcut, but whatever I do, frontrow doesn't start.



Edit: Ok, I reinstalled FrontRow and rebooted and now it works! Thank you very much! Where did you find this .kext?



I entered the Dev ID etc, and I prooved it twice. (logitech mx700) Frontrow loads fine,

but I can't control it with the mouse. Or is the driver just for loading frontrow, and does

nothing else?


Anyway, thanks for your awesome info :D :D

You can not control Front Row with mouse. It is not a hack of Front Row. It is native Front Row like on any Mac with Apple Remote.


With this driver "SystemUIServer" think that there is Apple Remote in computer and let you to run Front Row.


You can use Salling Clicker to control Front Row with Bluetooth (Wi-Fi) mobile phone (or HPC)


Salling Clicker



Supported devices



Universal Binary version (beta)


thanks. But I cant get frontrow up. And when I did sudo kextload -v System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext, I got a few errors:


kextload: /Users/tristramdavies/System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext: no such bundle file exists

can't add kernel extension System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext (file access/permissions) (run kextload on this kext with -t for diagnostic output)

kextload: /Users/tristramdavies/System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext: no such bundle file exists

can't add kernel extension System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext (file access/permissions) (run kextload on this kext with -t for diagnostic output)

thanks. But I cant get frontrow up. And when I did sudo kextload -v System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext, I got a few errors:


kextload: /Users/tristramdavies/System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext: no such bundle file exists

can't add kernel extension System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext (file access/permissions) (run kextload on this kext with -t for diagnostic output)


Ohh... not /Users/tristramdavies/System/Library/Extensions/ ...but /System/Library/Extensions


Try all step again on new FrontRowPass.kext.

Ok, i've tried it again,

With the command:

sudo kextload -v System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext

I get the same error as above.


But if I try:

sudo kextload -v /System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext

I get this error:

kextload: extension /System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext appears to be valid

kextload: loading extension /System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext

kextload: extension /System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext is not authentic (check ownership and permissions)



I did it all again.


But when I use sudo kextload -v System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext, I get the same errors as before.


But if I use sudo kextload -v /System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext, it all seems to go through fine.


But after deleting those 2 files and rebooting. I cannot load frontrow. And there is nothing in the keyboard prefrences either.



I did it all again.


But when I use sudo kextload -v System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext, I get the same errors as before.


But if I use sudo kextload -v /System/Library/Extensions/FrontRowPass.kext, it all seems to go through fine.


But after deleting those 2 files and rebooting. I cannot load frontrow. And there is nothing in the keyboard prefrences either.


It's mean that your ID values are incorrect. Anyway your Nvidia card does not support OpenGL in Mac OS X.

You can not control Front Row with mouse. It is not a hack of Front Row. It is native Front Row like on any Mac with Apple Remote.


With this driver "SystemUIServer" think that there is Apple Remote in computer and let you to run Front Row.


Havent tried with this release yet, but had front row PPC 1.01 running with Keyspan Digital Media Remote. Not only do they have Universal Drivers (still in beta but working pretty good) also has keymaps already for FrontRow. They are only like 30 bucks remote and receiver.

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