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CompUSA is back!


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That is right, CompUSA is back and better than ever (not really). Systemax, bought the rights to the CompUSA brand and retail outlets. Systemax, is primary owner of Tigerdirect.com.


There are approximately 20 stores left that are in Florida, Texas, and Puerto Rico. The stores in Orlando, FL and Altamonte Springs, FL held grand opening sales where the first 50 people got 500 GB SATA 2/300 HDD for 29.99 USD (I took my wife and got 2 for under 70 USD, ahahahahaha).


The store manager of the Altamonte Springs, FL CompUSA also said that their will be the same sale of 500 GB SATA 2/300 HDD for 29.99 USD tomorrow (Saturday) at 7 AM EST when the doors open. I lined up at 6:20 AM EST this morning and got one of the last HDD vouchers, so you may want to be earlier tomorrow.


Also, HP DVD-R 100 PKs were only 4.99 USD and they gave out free 256 MB SanDisk Flash Drives with every purchase.


So, in total I walked out of CompUSA this morning at 7:30 AM EST with:


2 x Maxtor Basics 500 GB Sata II/300 Hard Drive Kit (16 MB Buffer Cache, 7200 RPM)

2 x 100 Count HP DVD-R cases (ugly red, but w/e)

2 x 256 MB SanDisk Flash Drive with changeable skins (256 MB is small, but nothing beats free)


For a GRAND TOTAL of 74.86 USD. Over a TB of storage space for under 75 USD, now that is what I call a grand opening.


Welcome back CompUSA, and may Systemax and Tigerdirect lead you to better days...

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Does anyone find it odd that they decided to keep the two Central FL stores open? I mean they are only about 20 minutes from each other and can never say I have been in either one to find it "packed".


Very true, I live about a block away from the Altamonte Springs store and it is never packed.


This morning, it was packed to the brim, but by the time everyone got the deals they came for it was empty. When I was checking out there were about only 5 people looking at various things throughout the store, and about 150 people in line.

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I remember when the first CompUSA opened near me. I guess it was the early '90s, ca. 15 years ago. What a great thing it was! I'd wander around in there for an hour at lunch time several days a week, wishing I could buy everything in sight, from that AdLib soundcard to the newest 100 MB hard drive! Those were the days when we'd run out and buy Computer Shopper every month, a behemoth twice the size of a large phonebook, and scan every last page looking for deals on hardware.


Eventually they started to cut corners to pump up profits. They cut back on staff and selection. They opened a big 'island' in the middle of the store where they sold only hw and sw for the Macintosh. There was never anybody there buying anything. Then they cleared out the back of the store and put in big-screen TVs and audio for sale. With huge profit margins. I never saw anyone buy anything from that department, either.


I could live with the Macintosh dead zone in the middle of the store, but when they put in the TV sales and display area I knew the writing was on the wall. By the time they closed that store down a couple of years ago I would only go there if there was a specific item on sale I knew about beforehand. Otherwise, I noticed how there wasn't a lot in there that interested me. They never marked the individual items on the shelves with a price, and no product was stocked near its shelf tag, which meant you could never figure out how much anything cost. You had to get a sales representitive to scan it for you. When you could find one. In the end I was happy when they closed it up for good. It was a mere shadow of its former self.


I hope the new owners can make a go of it. A lot of the brand name recognition that goes along with CompUSA is negative. I'd like to see them turn it around.

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