About This File
Version 1.0.8
If you constantly access hidden locations or files but you don't want to see the .files all the time, then this app is for you.
QuickPeek is a menubar app that quickly allows you to toggle AppleShowAllFiles TRUE or FALSE by clicking the icon. It automatically restarts the Finder.app for your for changes to take effect.
If you CTRL+Click you will get a menu with additional options.
Not many options at the moment, if you want something implemented please just say something.
If we have any graphics designers in the house that can donate a better looking icon than the one I cooked up please let me know.
What's New in Version 1.0.8 build 9 See changelog
- ## [1.0.8 (build 9) ] - 2015-11-24
- ### Added
- - App now checks if Restart Total Finder or Xtra Finder menu item is checked and will act accordingly.
- - Option to enable expert mode (advanced-image-options) for Disk Utility
- ### Fixed
- - Total Finder seems to restart correctly.
- ## [1.0.6 (build 20) ] - 2015-11-08
- ### Added
- - Detect bootloader, bootargs and model identifier and display the information on application StatusBar Icon tooltip (this requires Xcode Commandline Tools)
- ### Fixed
- - An issue with restarting TotalFinder, but it still seems to be hit or miss. Not sure if issue is with TotalFinder or with implementation. There is an issue mentioned on their website in regards to appleeventsd (EXPERIMENTAL)
- - Further code cleanup and organization
- ### Changed
- - Main application icon, slightly modified status bar icon
- ## [1.0.4 (build 15) ] - 2015-11-01
- ### Added
- - Detect the presence of XtraFinder.app or TotalFinder.app. It does not detect if the process is running.
- - Restart either app upon restarting Finder.app. Currently no way to disable it.
- ## [1.0.1 (build 16) ] - 2015-10-28
- ### Added
- - Build script with automatic Semantic Versioning format increment of build version, patch, minor and major versions.
- - Better checks to handle detection of options
- ### Fixed
- - Code cleanup
- ### Changed
- - Versioning to Semantic Versioning format, but the project does not adhere completely to it, due to the simple nature of the app.
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