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About This File

SoundSwitch is an AppleScript utility for quickly switching between two predefined sound device outputs, for example speakers and headphones.

The usual way is to open Audio MIDI Setup, click the desired device and select it for sound output. This procedure can be quite tiresome if done often.

This tool automatically does the switch when opened and displays a notification with the current device in use. No process is left open after the task is complete.


It is bundled with two command line utilities. One for getting and setting sound devices and the other one for invoking a notification message. More info in description.rtfd


I am aware of similar solutions, but I wanted something light and simple.


To use it, you need to configure the two device names first that must match the names displayed in "Audio MIDI Setup" utility.

Open SoundSwitch.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/main.scpt and adjust the Configuration section on top.

What's New in Version 0.2   See changelog


  • additonally sets system sound device
  • added icon for terminal-notifier
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Easy way : right click on the sound icon by holding down the option (alt)  key and change the sound output...very easy !!!!




Thanks for your comment, that's what I figured out a bit later. Nevertheless, I learned some AppleScript and now the switch is just one click away :-)



I'll Definitely try it tonight

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