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Toshiba Satellite L500 - 153


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I would like to know if 10.6 (or 10.5) will work on this notebook. Here are the specs:


Intel Pentium Dual Core T4300 / 2.1 GHz

4GB DDR2 SDRAM - PC2-6400 - 800 MHz

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570 - 512MB GDDR3 SDRAM


Sound Realtek ALC272

LAN Realtek RTL8139



I know the ATI cards don't work properly but I can live with that.


So, your opinion on this setup? wink_anim.gif


Best regards,


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No, it won't work. Here's why:


I have the toshiba satellite a500.


I know the ATI cards don't work properly but I can live with that.


Trust me, you won't be able to live with it. I know for a fact that ATI mobility HD 45xx/46xx and so on are NOT supported with ANY kext on the internet at this time. Attempting to use any other ATI kext will only result on a crazy screwed up black screen upon boot. You may be able to get into safe mode, but you will not be able to boot normally. Netkas posted kexts for hd 45xx and such on his site the other day, but as of now they are incompatible with mobility. He later said that we are waiting for the creator of the kexts to add the proper framebuffer for mobility, so it's only a matter of time i suppose.


The wireless card may work, but im not completely sure. Look around in some of the distro packages to see if there's included drivers (i'd go for ideneb 10.5.7 or 10.5.8 leopard). However, until we get working drivers for Mobility HD, there's no point in even trying to install Leopard, let alone Snow. Snow takes a lot more work to install as of now, because there are no early distros for snow like there were for leopard (the great Kalyway and iATKOS)


Anyways, don't waste your time and energy on this laptop for now until we get the graphics drivers.


Trust me, i've tried. It's not worth it. :D



P.S. once we have drivers, if you are wanting to install seven or vista or xp alongside OS X, i would recommend installing Linux on a 2gb partition and use that as your bootloader. From my experience its more reliable than chameleon or xiehzy. theres an easy terminal command to set which partition to boot default, and also how much time to give the countdown.



- Nate

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